Talent Management

It’s Time to Make Talent Management a Top Priority

Digital World Class® human resources (HR) organizations excel on measures related to talent acquisition and retention, requiring 22% fewer days to fill management positions and experiencing 59% fewer involuntary terminations. No wonder their HR teams are 67% more likely than their peers to be viewed as strategic business partners. You can join this elite group.

Source: The Hackett Group® benchmarking data

Meeting evolving talent needs

Effective talent management practices are key to your company’s growth, performance and resilience. In fact, 62% of HR leaders we surveyed planned to focus on improving talent management in 2022.

Two current trends are likely impacting your company’s ability to find employees with the skills and capabilities you need. The Great Resignation, triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, has left some essential functions thinly staffed. Digital transformation and virtualization of operations – top priorities among business leaders – change the kinds of work employees do and the skills they need.

HR teams will need to conduct extensive service delivery redesign and skills development to meet enterprise needs amid these and other conditions. Collaboration with other functional areas will be essential in achieving this. With help from The Hackett Group®, you can do this, managing talent in ways that add value to the enterprise.

Fully one-half of GBS organizations will start planning for upgrading their talent pool in 2022.

Source: Key Issues 2022, The Hackett Group®

Management’s top priorities for talent management

In a Key Issues Study conducted by The Hackett Group®, HR executives identified 10 top priorities for talent management in 2022 and beyond.


Provide strategic advice to the business.

As managing talent becomes critical to business success, many HR organizations must upgrade their own skills and support capabilities if they are to act as strategic advisors to top management.


Recruit and retain for critical skills.

In the fallout from the Great Resignation, HR organizations must transform talent acquisition processes, focus on retention and fundamentally rethink employee value propositions.You’ll be empowered to take calculated risks and add tremendous value.


Create a high-performing organizational culture.

A shift to hybrid work environments requires more focus on developing a connected workplace and adaptable workforce.


Support growth strategies.

As enterprises return to focusing on growth, HR operations must develop talent management strategies and programs to help reach expansion targets.


Enhanced talent management capabilities.

To help drive business performance, HR departments must focus on how well managers throughout the enterprise identify and develop the skills of their direct reports.


Engage employees effectively.

To combat turnover and accommodate changing expectations of workers, HR must take steps to quickly address the concerns and needs of employees.


Develop top executives.

HR must equip managers to guide the organization through disruption caused by digital transformation and evolving business requirements.


Create a resilient workforce.

As workforce burnout creates issues with health, productivity and turnover, HR must help leaders and workers adopt healthy and sustainable work practices.


Support digital transformation.

HR organizations must help manage requirements for leadership, culture, skills development and change management to support the digital transformation initiatives that have been accelerated by the pandemic.


Meet changing business needs.

HR must manage talent to better align skill sets with evolving business requirements.

Exclusive assets to fuel your digital transformation journey

Digital Transformation Platform

Speed digital transformations in finance, HR, procurement and supply chain functions with this suite of resources.

Quantum Leap®

Automate the benchmarking and management of continuous improvement initiatives.

Why choose The Hackett Group?

Are you ready to make talent management a top priority?