Oracle Insights

Moving Your Financial Close to the Cloud – From HFM to Oracle EPM FCC
The Hackett Group Solution Director Mark Eklund talks with Associate Principal and Consolidation Vertical Lead Brian Willson about the benefits…

Oracle’s CTO Discusses the Emergence of Fit-for-Purpose Digital Cloud Platforms in Banking (Part 2)
The Hackett Group Director Jay Ruffin Senior talks with Oracle Cloud CTO Yonas Yohannes and Oracle Vice President, Cloud Engineering…

Oracle’s CTO Discusses the Emergence of Fit-for-Purpose Digital Cloud Platforms in Banking
The Hackett Group Director Jay Ruffin Senior talks with Oracle Cloud CTO Yonas Yohannes and Hackett Consultant Matt Williams about…

Oracle’s Strategic Workforce Planning Keys to Success
To meet current stringent challenges, an organization must understand their workforce, and the CHRO and chief financial officer must collaborate…

Implementing a Risk-Based Approach in Oracle ARCS
A risk-based approach can help organizations streamline the account reconciliation process – increasing compliance, providing proper focus during the close…

Managed Services for Oracle Cloud ERP and HCM
In the past 24 months, Oracle’s Cloud ERP and HCM applications have gained new, powerful capabilities that organizations are struggling…
Flux Capacity – Benefits of Leveraging Oracle ARCS for Variance Reporting
Companies perform flux analysis, a period-over-period review of changes in balance sheet accounts as a key control during the close…